Welcome! I'm excited to be participating in the Manga and Romance Blog Hop.
I have four novels and several short stories published, with more on the way. All my work fits more or less in the category of m/m romance. I sort of ended up here accidentally.
I never could stomach het romance novels. The plots seemed too cliched and although I'm a straight woman I couldn't begin to empathize with the female protagonists. I read fantasy instead, and horror, and magical realism, and a whole lot of stuff that gets called "literature."
Then I discovered fanfiction. To be specific, I discovered slash Buffy fanfiction (starring Spike, mostly).
That I enjoyed very much. After a while of reading, I began to write. It was fun! I had fans!
And then I wrote my first novel,
Stasis. This was in 2009, and I wrote the novel in one month, for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). As it turned out, my protagonists were two men who fell in love with one another--despite evil wizards, tyrannical leaders, and harsh laws.
Stasis was followed by two sequels, and by then I was hooked.
What I like about m/m romance is that I can explore fresh plots and interesting power dynamics. Nobody assumes that the protagonist is me, because I am very clearly not, for instance, a gay male hipster werewolf architect. Most of my stuff isn't strictly romance--it's fantasy or paranormal or something else, in which the main characters happen to be men who fall for other men.
And, well, there are pretty men to think about. Can't forget that part.
If you're new to me, I hope you'll try out some of my stories. And you can follow my blog and see what I'm up to. Thank you for visiting!
1. Comment here with your name and email and be entered in the drawing for the
grand prize, which consists of 10 ebooks!
2. In addition, I'll randomly choose one person who comments on my blog, and the winner will receive the ebook version of one of my novels (winner gets to choose which one).
Comments must appear before the hop ends on June 24, so comment quick!
Once you've commented, go visit the other participating blogs: