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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Brute on audio!

This is a small rant and then a new release pimpage.

My life is too sedentary. Both writing and my day job--university professor--involve a whole lot of sitting in front of computers. Plus I'm inherently sorta lazy. I took bowling for PE when I was in college.

But the one type of exercise I genuinely enjoy is walking. When I travel, I pound the pavement as much as possible. The two times I've lived in Croatia, I loved not having a car.  I walked for miles nearly every day, not just because I had to in order to get places, but because I wanted to. Zagreb is a fantastic place for strolling.

Here at home, though, it's hot. And booooooring. I live among subdivisions of beige stucco houses. Block after block after block of this:
Yawn. The big excitement on my neighborhood walks is when I see a lizard, or when I get to read informative signs like this one:

I guess if I really wanted some variety I could cross the canal and walk past cows, almond orchards, and cornfields instead, but I doubt that would be much more interesting.
So I've taken to listening to audiobooks during my walks. I recently finished hearing my first novel, Stasis, which was a lot of fun. It really makes walking enjoyable. I've sometimes even gone around the block again because the story's at an exciting point.
And I am thrilled to announce that today Brute became available on audio too! You can buy it here. The narrator is K.C. Kelly, who did a fantastic job. I am so looking forward to my walks now! Who cares if all I see is beige stucco? I've got Brute!



  1. Writing is probably the worst occupation for living a healthy lifestyle. :( However, if you develop an audiobook addiction (as some folks have), you will have to walk to read! Win! Seriously, though, congratulations on the audiobook for Brute. I have never listened to fiction in audio format, but I might just have to start. :D

    1. I am having so much fun listening to Brute on audio, and it really does get me walking!

  2. Just wanted to let you know I am currently reading Brute and IT'S EXCELLENT! :-D I LOVE IT!

    1. I'm so happy you're enjoying it! I'm having a lot of fun listening to it. :-)
